Akamai to Talk ROI of Fighting Piracy at Oct. 20 M&E Day Event

Content piracy has been around as long as content has existed. So too has piracy enforcement.

But while it may seem a no-brainer to make serious investments into fighting content thieves, CFOs are required to ask: what’s the return on investment in fighting against them?

How to measure the costs of piracy vs. what it costs to fund your defenses will be the meat of Akamai’s presentation — “Your Money for Nothing and Your Streams for Free” — at the Oct. 20 Media & Entertainment Day, a live, worldwide virtual event, taking place during the all-new NAB Show New York digital experience.

“During this session, we will review current literature on the ROI of fighting piracy and offer best practices on how to measure piracy, fund your defense as well as provide some next steps,” said Shane Keats, global director of video industry marketing for Akamai.

His session will survey the academic literature on the subject, and will explore concepts like “displacement” and show where and how pirates are making money off your content.

M&E Day is sponsored by IBM Security, Microsoft Azure, Shift, Akamai, Cartesian, ChesapeakeSystems, ContentArmor, Convergent Risks, Deluxe, Digital Nirvana, edgescan, EIDR, ICVR, PK, Richey May Technology Solutions, STEGA and Synamedia, and is being produced by MESA, in cooperation with NAB Show New York, and in association with the Content Delivery & Security Association (CDSA) and the Hollywood IT Society (HITS).

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To showcase your company’s solutions and services at the Media & Entertainment Day event contact Evie Silvers at [email protected], or Garrett Finley at [email protected].